BIO Water Accelerator Program
Collaborated By Cambodian Investors Community Association and Water Partners Cambodia

Access To The Network Of Private Water Operators (PWOs)

Business Accelerator Program & Access To Finance
1. Training Sessions & Workshops
Program consists of 10 workshops and traning that focus on three main area including business management, soft skill and technical skill.
- Business Checklist for SMEs
- Understanding Resilient Business Model Development for SMEs
- Fundamentals of Marketing Strategies & Case Studies
- Understanding Business Strategy Development & Implementation
- Financial for Non-Financial Background
- Cash Flow Management for Business Operators in Water Sector
- Business Communication & Negotiation
- Investing in People & Productivity Enhancement
- Water Quality Control Technique & Water Treatment Plant Design & Water Source and Water Treatment
- Pipe Network Calculation Motor Selection & Energy Efficiency Management, and Water Loss Data Analysis

2. Company Diagnose
Company Diagnose is a company’s health check-up activity where we try to identify the root cause of issues or challenges occurring in your daily operation or hindering the strategic development of your company. Moreover, company diagnose activity will also help us to understand the real needs of SMEs and link them to the right mentors or experts.
3. Mentoring Session
Mentoring Session is a hands-on supports activity whereby entrepreneurs can meet up with mentors to receive input for the strategic development as well as solutions to solve in daily operations.
*Common Issue (One-to-Many Approach): Participants will categorize into group based on the priority issues which have been identified through the company diagnosis. Three to four participants will be grouped to discuss with a mentor(s) on the specific issues.
*Specific Issue (Need-Based Approach): Some cases which we could not handle it in One-To-Many Approach need to be raised individually to expert/ mentor on one-on-one basis.

4. Financing Access Supports
To support members who are in need of fund or other financial supports, we provide service to them such as:
- Financial Health Check: To investigate the financial management status of the business to find any potential issues/ financial needs and gives the ways to fix those issues too.
- Credit Profiling: To get ready to access debt financing from CiC.
- Bussiness Support
There are several financial solutions provided by our partners such as:

Acquire Business Management Skill and Technical Support
Participants will be equipped with a skill-set which allows them to understand more about their business and how to standardize it.

Expand Business Networks & Market
By affiliating with CiC Capital Partners, all members can access the alternative financing options such as debt investment (Cap. 50K USD) and equity investment (50K USD – 1.5M USD).

Opportunity to Access to Finance
Participants can access the data on emerging trends, industry data bench-mark, consumers trend of various sectors/industries. Moreover, participants can get insightful knowledge on strategy and operation from BIO Knowledge Café, BIO Expert Talk, One Community-One Journey, etc.

Investment Opportunity
By affiliating with Cambodian Angel Investors Network (CAIN), participants who is willing to raise more capital to expand their business could work with CAIN team to prepare the pitch to raise fund from the network.

Have a Business in Clean-Water Industry
Be an Entrepreneur or Business Owner
Be Open-Minded
4. Fill the Program’s Application
5. Participate the Interview / Pitching
6. Pay Program’s Package Fee (If you are selected)
Email us
- rasmey.heang@cic-investment.com
Call Us On
- +855 70 310 236
- +855 89 788 495
Our Location
#11, 8th Floor, St 347, Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 12150